Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25th: Parents Day and Thread the Needle Day

Thread the Needle Day: Oh yes, that needle is threaded.
Parents Day: It's my mammers!

July 24th: Cousins Day

Cousins Day: Myself, my brother and my cousins at our cutest.

July 23rd: Hot Enough For Ya Day

Hot Enough For Ya Day: 400 degrees, super hot

July 20th: National Lollipop Day

National Lollipop Day: I just li li li li li li licked that lollipop.

July 17th: National Hot Dog Day and Yellow Pig Day

Yellow Pig Day: A yellow pig and I have on a yellow shirt with an orange hippo.
National Hot Dog Day: They are made out of gross stuff, but they taste so good.

July 13th: Embrace Your Geekness Day

Embrace Your Geekness Day: Geometry is much sexier than Algebra I, sorry Algebra I

July 12th: International Town Criers Day

International Town Criers Day: She's so sad, what made her so sad? WHAT!?!

July 4th: Independence to Meat Day

Independence to Meat Day: The bridge of orange rines and peanut butter cases keeps the meat out of the egg's territory.

July 3rd: Compliment Mirror Day and Stay Out of the Sun Day

Stay Out of the Sun Day: Out of the sun and having fun
Compliment Your Mirror Day: It is a nice mirror.

July 2nd: I Forgot Day

I Forgot Day: ??

June 26th: International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: Fine, I'll tell you. I stole the cookies from the cookie jar.

June 22nd: National Columnists Day and Guys Stupid Thing Day

Guys Stupid Thing Day: Not sure if it is stupid, but video games are awesome.
National Columnists Day: Yes, I do read

June 21st: World Handshake Day

World handshake Day: A family that shakes together stays together

June 20th: Father's Day

Father's Day: It's my pappers

June 19th: World Juggling Day

World Juggling Day: Juggling little barbie dolls. Those came right after juggling scarfs in gym class.

June 16th: Fudge Day and Ladies Playing Baseball Day

Ladies Playing Baseball Day: Bartender... JACK!!
Fudge Day: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, fudge-tastic

June 15th: Nature Photography Day

Nature Photography Day: Look at all that nature

June 13th: Abused Women and Childrens Awareness Day

Abused Women and Childrens Awareness Day: She didn't put chocolate chips in my pancakes!!!!!