Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th: Brother's Day, Morse Code Day

Brother's Day: A picture of my brother off of this very website

Brother's Day: Thems be my brother's.... Abbey's there too!

Morse Code Day: S.O.S means someone help me it's not healthy for me to live this way!

May 17th: World Telecommunications Day

World Telecommunications Day: Communications via el telefono, spanish for the telefono.

World Telecommunications Day: Callin my daddy

May 16th: NASCAR Day

NASCAR Day: Honestly, I hate NASCAR

May 11th: Eat What You Want Day

Eat What You Want Day: I wanna eat that!!

Eat What You Want Day: MMMMMMMM! paper!

May 8th: No Socks Day, National Miniature Golf Day, National Babysitter's Day, Stay Up All Night Day,

No Socks Day: My feet are cold..... and pale

Miniature Golf Day: You can't see it, but I totally dropped that putt.

National Babysitter's Day: Consider that baby sat.

Stay Up All Night Day: that says 12:05 which means